You may carry a laminated copy of the sample letter below with you to help other people understand your condition and what to do. You should review this document with your doctor first, as some patients have different kinds of seizure-like symptoms, so the document will likely need to be personalized.
My name is ________________________________________________________________
I have nonepileptic seizures (episodes).
During my episodes, I usually have the following symptoms:
My episodes usually last ________________________
This is what to do if I have an attack:
1) Keep me safe from injury. You may need to move me from an unsafe place, dangerous objects and protect my head by placing soft clothing underneath.
2) Do not hold me down. This can make the episode worse or cause injury.
3) Do not put anything in my mouth and do not give me medication.
4) Speak to me calmly. I may be able to hear and feel what other people are doing when I have an episode, and being spoken in a calm, reassuring manner can help shorten the episode.
5) My episodes do not cause damage to my brain.
6) DO NOT CALL AN AMBULANCE UNLESS I get injured, my episodes go for longer than my usual duration and/or they look very different from what I described above. If an ambulance is called, show this letter to the paramedics.
7) My emergency contact is (insert name) ___________________ and can be reached at (insert phone number): ________________